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Why Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) Are Better Than Mobile Apps

PWA vs Mobile Apps: PWA wins this technological face-off.
Aakash Jain
A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a responsive website that functions like native mobile apps. PWAs combine the best of both worlds - the web and the apps.


Unlike native mobile apps, PWAs don't have to be installed from app stores. The Web App Install Prompt allows users to add a PWA on the home screen of their device with an app icon, thus eliminating the steps one needs to take during installation.


Progressive Web Apps take up less space on the phone as there is no download process. A great feature that places them above mobile native apps.


PWAs function in the weakest network condition, and can work offline, as compared to mobile apps, that require higher data consumption and strong network conditions.

Progressive and Responsive

With the name, saying it all, PWAs work on every browser. They give the user an immersive experience every time he visits the website. Also, PWAs function excellently on all devices like a tablet, PC, or mobile. Native apps, on the contrary, are built specifically for one platform.

Up to Date

What better than having an app up-to-date with fresh and up-to-the-minute features, without any manual efforts. Yes, PWA does this by keeping itself updated through a script called service worker.


PWA with its ability to load quickly, makes the browsing experience smooth. With app-like features such as push notifications and 'add to home screen' option, and with rapid technological advancements in their architecture, they are surely going to overtake mobile apps.


AMP technology and PWA in tandem produce the best user experiences. AMP pages load quickly and PWA keeps the user engaged by responding to user interactions with smooth animations. In fact, creating a PWA of Web Stories, an immersive content format, will give you the best surfing experience.

More Power to PWA

PWA, basically being a website, can be linked and shared via short and secure URLs. Also, since PWAs behave like mobile apps and require no hassles of installation, their development is economically feasible as compared to native mobile apps.