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What is 1080p Resolution

Stephen Rampur
The 1080p resolution is a kind of display quality, which is used in today's high-definition televisions. Here are its details and related technicalities.
With the advancements in video technology, there are many kinds of television sets that are available in consumer electronic stores. One of the latest are high-definition televisions systems (HDTV), where different technologies and features are used; the most prominent feature found in them is 1080p resolution.


In simple words, it is the display quality of the TV screen. The picture is formed of 1920x1080 pixels, which is also known as high-definition. The video quality of devices supporting this resolution is so crystal clear, that we can feel like we are actually inside the visual.
To find out the difference between the standard picture quality and 1080p, you can simply view a regular TV and an HDTV, side-by-side. Some older HDTVs have a resolution of 720p, which is referred to as 1280x720 pixels or 'HD Ready', and it's about less than half of what 1080p offers.
This resolution is associated with 1080 perpendicular picture lines, counted from the top to the bottom of the actual screen. The 'p' in 1080p, stands for 'progressive', which portrays that the picture is loaded from top to bottom, with every single frame being scanned and displayed accurately.
The incorporation of these lines, along with the fine scanning of each frames, together gives us the best quality. Prior to the advent of this resolution, HDTVs used 1080i, which relates to the manner in which the picture is being scanned in each frame.
Along with televisions, companies are also introducing 1080p display standards in laptops. You can find such devices that are manufactured by companies such as Sony, Dell, and Toshiba.


If you want to purchase a 1080p HDTV, you will have to spend more than the regular flat-screen television. You might have to spend about USD 200 - USD 1000. This would be highly expensive. If you want to experience the clearest video viewings, it is suggested that you opt for these high-definition televisions.
The premium that you pay for buying them is not so much, and for getting this awesome picture quality, it is certainly worth it. There are many DVD movies, which are being produced in this type of resolution. However, for playing them, you will have to use a Blu-ray player.
If you view advanced video databases on the Internet, you will find that the picture quality is better than before. A number of video-sharing websites have started to use this resolution in their videos, which has improved online video-viewing experience considerably.