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What are the Best Websites ever Created?

A list of websites, old and new - that have changed our lives since long past!
Joel McLaughlin

1. Cern

You may ask, what is Cern? Well, it's the first website ever on the World Wide Web. A website by a European Energy agency. Pretty important in our book!

2. Webcrawler

The first major search engine ever developed that helped to distribute the technology we all now know so well. It's actually still online, but, not quite as good as Google.

3. AOL

You've got mail! Many of us older individuals remember saying that.  AOL brought about many first internet experiences along with innovating initial social media through instant messenger!

4. Google

The genius behind the simplicity of a quality search engine not motivated by money, became an incredibly powerful money making machine. They never seem to let us down. Focusing on quality search, instead of only making money led them to dominate the most important part of the internet.

5. Amazon

Amazon changed entire shopping process. Many people barely visit the stores any more! Innovating in tech, storage, video and more! Just imagine where Amazon will take us in the future!

6. Ebay

Ebay was at the forefront of online commerce, innovating online selling, and allowing hundreds of thousands to become self employed, launching the garage sale into the 21st century!

7. Paypal

Paypal was the innovator for simplifying internet payments. This was something necessary to explode the online e-commerce boom. It is helping millions share money, and boosting website’s like ebay and others.

8. Wikipedia

Wikipedia has helped us all become smarter! An explosive amount of quality information in an open source environment, it allows us to learn about nearly any topic, immediately!

9. Youtube

Youtube has changed media and how we consume entertainment and information! You can find videos on any topic and follow your favorite youtuber. You can even make money from it. There’s a kid called Ryans Toy Reviews that makes over $10 million dollars a year on youtube since he was less than 10 year old ( – with his parents help, I know).

10. Facebook

We now connect to everyone, quickly and easily. No longer do you need to send a letter or make a call every few years to keep in touch! You can easily be updated with friends and families. This social media platform has definitely changed the world!


Without these websites, we would have more time in our hands!  However, we would be less informed, less connected, would have to drive to the store more & have less entertainment. Special thanks to Dataflurry Law Firm Digital Marketing.