There are multiple aspects to making a website. Web designers mostly have to play many major roles and be effective and knowledgeable to make a stable site. Most of the lessons you will learn here come from many earns of experience.
If you have already done some research then this article will help you realize the elements that you might have missed. If not, this article will inform you of the things you need to know to start your website designing journey.
The Type of Website you need vs. The Type you think you need
Do not try to overwhelm yourself by trying to do too much. Instead, focus on things that you actually need and are major. You will spend less money this way and potentially make more.
Start with the very basics and add elements to it as you grow, this way you do not lose your motivation to work on your site because you do not know what is there to know.
Don’t end up making a website that has too many tools and features. You might not even use it.
Don’t waste money on making a super fancy custom-designed site only to realize your target audience was different.
Don’t end up having to redesign the same site just to gain better results.
Think of what you want
Test it out. See what works for your site and what doesn’t. Spend as low amount of sum as possible. Once you have figured out the fundamentals of your needs you can start to roll. If you want to make a website there are things you can’t avoid. You, by the way, do not need a site with appointment capability if your website is not an online store.
Domain name
Email Address for business
Software for building the website
Website hosting
Logo design
Website template design
High-quality images
Editor for images
Google analytics
Domain names will usually cost around 10 to 15 dollars. Having a business email is also important as it will improve your business quality and other people won’t question you for using a free email. You shouldn’t.
Wordpress, Wix, and Squarespace are good places to look for good website building software. Choose the correct hosting site for your website and you will have to improve your package as more people visit your website.
Get a catchy logo for your site. Investing in a decent logo will do you wonders. Hire a graphics designer and avoid those free logo generators. After you are done with the logo you should choose a good website template design. Good WordPress templates can be found in WooThemes.
Collect some high-quality images that are free and implement them on your site to make it look fresh. Get Image Editors and if you do not have the money to get professionals to edit images, you can use free editors like Pixlr and PicMonkey. Finally, to get insight into your website you can use Google Analytics.
If you feel all these tasks are too tiring for you and you would rather skip them or you need an extra guide to walk you through these you can look into Website Scientist.