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The Future of Augmented and Virtual Realities

New AR and VR technology can transform our world or create whole new one.
Kevin Gardner
Technology is in constant change, more so than ever before throughout the last decade. Brilliant people around the world are continuing to study and manufacture more exciting and revolutionary products that will change life forever, whether it is for entertainment, health, or science.
New technological breakthroughs seem to be happening more often than you may realize, especially in the case of both augmented and virtual reality.

Virtual vs. Augmented

A common misconception of augmented and virtual reality is that they are the same, which is not the case. In fact, they are almost entirely different from one another. Virtual reality is an experience where the user immerses themselves into a completely different world, completely shutting off the real physical world around them.
This allows the user to seemingly step into a different world that they only see from their eyes. Augmented reality, on the other hand, is the addition of digital elements into the real world by using digital devices, much like the camera on your smartphone.
Virtual reality gives the user the opportunity for more exciting and groundbreaking entertainment. Although this is not always the case, most virtual reality applications are centered around video games and they generally are not designed to fit around the real world for real world benefits.
Although there are ways of enjoying entertainment through augmented reality, the real benefit of augmented reality is to help the user in different areas of real life. This includes business, medicine, and shopping.

Improving the Technology

One of the principal reasons that both augmented and virtual reality are still not quite in the mainstream is that they still have a ways to go in order to be commercially viable.
Many concerns involve the amount of wearable gadgets needed to make the augmented and virtual realities work seamlessly as well as the fact that there is still a lot of human error involved when making things work properly.
Additionally, there has not been a major breakthrough application that pushes boundaries and brings millions into the market, much like what happened with the smartphone.
Although augmented and virtual realities are not quite mainstream, there is still a growing presence in the marketplace. Corporations and medical professionals have been finding ways to apply these technologies into everyday life.
You have the chance to help this technology slowly become more mainstream by finding ways to use what is currently available in your own life in order to give user experience and data to the people involved in improving the technology.
As the technology for augmented and virtual realities improves, so does the experience of the user. Every little bit helps, so consider finding ways to give your own input as well.

Smart Glasses

While smart glasses have been conceptualized since the early 2010s, their true ability has still been modified and adjusted to be of real use in the real world.
There have only been a few major applications for smart glasses, but both enterprises as well as medical offices have been able to find great uses for using smart glasses or goggles to use augmented reality for helpful applications.
Take, for example, the medical profession. There are medical professionals who have been designing the ability to use augmented reality to help the imaging process for patients.
By using the wearable glasses or goggles, the medical professional is able to view an overlay of a patient’s x-ray on top of the physical patient, which can help plan procedures to help the patient, all while being in the same room and not needing to go to a separate screen.
Although still in early phases, the potential of using augmented reality in the medical profession is astronomical.
Augmented and virtual realities will continue to pave their way into mainstream society, even if it takes some time. The future is closer than you think and in order to make it the best possible future it is important to embrace new technologies in order to help the professionals involved bring about the best technology possible.