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Stories Format Statistics: Reason to Have Them on Your Website

"Go the Stories way" is the most sought after trend on the web today.
Aakash Jain
Stories let you describe your experiences or any information in general in a visually appealing format, without being text-heavy. These Stories are mobile-friendly, tappable, and exhilarating. The idea behind Stories is to engage the audience, through narration.
Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook have wonderfully tapped the potential of Stories format. They understood that, in today's time of declining attention span, Stories, hold the ability to grab a user's attention for long.

Snapchat Stories

Stories format was pioneered by Snapchat. That people can express their ideas and share their day’s activities with their friends in the form of a Story was Snapchat’s brainchild.
The filter and image effects to beautify images in Snapchat Stories are exceptional. Adding geofilters as a location description to images and videos is the most wonderful feature of Snapchat. The statistics say, over 188 million Stories are created on a daily basis.

Instagram Stories

The most popular photo sharing and messaging app, Instagram, took the Stories format a notch higher. The feature of showing Stories to ‘unconnected’ new users has worked wonders for it. Instagram Stories is used by over 400 million people everyday; this Stories Statistics proves its humongous popularity and the number is expected to grow in future.
Instagram has a visually appealing interface and lets you create live Stories and interact with people in real-time. The Stories also appear at the top of the feed.

Facebook Stories

There are about 2.2 billion Facebook users globally; the number itself speaks of its popularity. Facebook Stories has contributed to its popularity, too. It is similar to a news feed, except that it depends on visuals. Today, about 150 million people use Facebook Stories.
Facebook Stories can be posted and shared with your Facebook friends, and will disappear in 24 hours, similar to Instagram and Snapchat Stories. These Stories are now available for Facebook Pages, which has increased its visibility.
Stories format is being very much loved by social media audiences. The major yet the most basic feature of connecting people through Stories has been correctly implemented by these social media rulers. Following suit, Google also embraced the Stories format and introduced Web Stories (earlier known as AMP Stories).

Web Stories

Web Stories is a modern format of 'storytelling' which effectively relies on engaging visuals and snackable content. These Stories are immersive user experiences, mobile-focused, and load full-screen. They harness Google's AMP technology.
Unlike Instagram and Snapchat Stories, Web Stories are search engine friendly and shareable on the Web. And with Google being the most popular web search engine, Web Stories has made its way to the top search results.
Visual Stories is a versatile platform to create Web Stories. It lets you guest blog on 55+ categories in the Web Stories format.
Visual Stories also allows you to get Web Stories on your website. For existing websites, planning a subdomain like 'stories.yourwebsitename.com' and pointing it to servers of Visual Stories for integrating Web Stories is the only effort. It would not affect your existing website structure and online presence. So create Stories and inspire the world!!