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Search Engines that Protect Your Data

Thomas Wright
You cannot be too careful with your privacy. The search engine giants that create giant algorithms to track every move we make on the internet also do a terrific job of providing us customized content to suit our needs. The down-side is that it does so at a great cost to our privacy.
Beyond privacy, search engines keep us bound to content and advertising we expect, and we think that is all out there. Few search engines protect your data. They have downsides too but going out of comfort zones gives us control of our privacy and lets us expose new content.

1. DuckDuckGo

This is one of the best all-around search engines for all day to day needs. DuckDuckGo is continuously expanding their search capabilities and indexing new sites rapidly. It does not log any user-related information or IP addresses and has a history of honoring privacy of its users.

2. HotBot

One of the older search engines that has been around awhile. HotBot results come from Google; giving you access to the search engine giant’s results, but while protecting your privacy and data.

3. Hot.com

This is one of the few search engines that skews towards adult content. Since https://hot.com deals in sensitive subject matter, protecting the data of its users is critical to continue success. As a result, it allows you the option to opt-out of sharing personal information.
You deserve the freedom to surf the web without worrying which third parties are collecting your private information. A free search engine should not come with the price of total surrender of privacy. The more consumers rely on private search engines that offer privacy, the sooner the industry may take notice.
Retailers who use targeted ads need to know that it may work, until it gets too invasive. When it backfires and starts to impact bottom line, it may cause a pull-back in the rush to targeted marketing. This will reduce monetary incentive of large search engines to track every internet move users make.


Privacy protection is a growing concern among internet users. The private search engines still have only a tiny market share of users, but numbers are growing daily. Hopefully, the trend of private search engines that protect data and privacy will continue to grow, forcing bigger players to take notice.
Each user switching to a private search engine represents a significant sum of potential lost revenue for the large search engines. If this drives about change in the way big data is stored, sold and used, it will be a perfect example of a free market at its best.