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Screen Name Ideas

Roy D'Silva
While in a chat room, it is through screen names that people first make an impression of you. This following story gives you a few ideas of the kind of names that you can choose and a few suggestions on how you can draw up a name for yourself.
Important Tip
If you will be using your screen name for anything professional, always go with your real name. This gives it the required formal touch.

Internet chatting may probably be one of the most popular concepts to have made way ever since the advent of the Internet. The possibilities that this medium opens up for people is truly amazing.
A simple click of a button and you have at your behest thousands and thousands of contacts and people to chat with... and all this without even having to leave your home (!!). The concept of chatting has opened up a whole new world to people, and the only thing they need in order to access this world full of possibilities is a stable Internet connection.
It's safe to say that chatting has become an integral part of our daily lives, and while it is most usually used for recreation, with the advent of globalization, it is now regularly used for business conferences, professional advice, and other corporate communications as well.
Which then brings us to the most important subject at hand―choosing a screen name. A screen name is your identity in the virtual world. It is a glimpse into the person that you are, what you like, what makes you click, etc etc, which just goes to show how important a good screen name is.
We understand that choosing the right screen name can seem a tough task, which is exactly what we're here to help you with―choosing the perfect screen name. Read through this Techspirited article for some of the best choices in screen names and how to go about coming up with a name of your own.
Good Screen Name Suggestions
  • Mindy's-Got-Swag
  • Comical-Carl
  • Groucho-Max
  • Betty-Croaker
  • Mrs-Sippi
  • Call-Me-Rad
  • Go-Away
  • Born-in-the-USA
  • Bob-Barley
  • Raul-Be-Lonely
  • Sassy-Cassie
  • Cultured-Connie
  • Conan-Be-18
  • Looking-For-Juliet
  • Viv-Loves-Cats
  • Dirty-Dancing-Bob
  • Sailing-Away-Sam
  • Honey-Cherry-Cherie
  • Mango-Dreams
  • Bring-Me-Pancake
  • Red-Velvet-Cravings
  • Tea-Forever
  • Yam-So-Happy
  • Just-in-Justine
  • Mild-Attack
  • Gold-Miner
  • What's-My-Name
  • Santa-Claus-Clone
  • Toga-Partying
  • Ferrari-Monk
  • Harry-Porter
  • Flame-Bub
  • Cast-Away
  • Tommy-Me-Bones
  • Hey-Mustache
  • Cuddle-Monster
  • Paint-Me-Blue
  • Pearly-Whites
  • Waist-Coated-Mel
  • Rumor-Queen-Bree
  • Cola-Float-Dreams
  • Goody-Two-Shoes
  • Distressed-Missy
  • Mud-Bathing-Howie
  • Disco-Dancer-Granny
  • Control-Freaking-Sandy
  • Cupid-Is-Stupid
  • Hear-Me-Out
  • Pesky-Pam
  • Screaming-for-Ice-Cream
  • Fighting-Lights
  • Here-I-Am
  • Strawberry-Haired-Beth
  • Shizzling-Lola
• Screen names are usually used without a hyphen in between. The hyphens have only been added for clarity.
• You can use capital letters, numbers, or other elements like ASCII characters to separate the words.
Things to Consider
  • A screen name is sometimes all-encompassing, which means it is not solely used for chatting, but for several other applications on the website as well, like web forums and email accounts. There is therefore the need to choose a name that you do not mind being a common feature in all these.
  • Try to steer clear of any names that may hurt religious sentiments or degrade a race or gender etc.
  • Don't use only a combination of numbers as your screen name. Not only is it difficult to read, but you'll make no impact whatsoever.
  • Many people borrow celebrity names for this purpose. This tactic does not really work because it does not tell people anything about the person. And also, no one is fooled that it is the real celebrity chatting across the screen.
  • If the name is to be used only for the purpose of a chat room then you can take a clue from the specific chat forum and adopt a name thus. For example, if the chat room centers on Harry Potter as its theme, then you could take up something on the lines of 'Seeking-Harry-Potter' or 'JK-Rowling-Fan'.
Choose a screen name carefully, 'cause it's going to be yours for a long, long time. With the varied tips and examples provided for in this article, finding/coming up with a name should not be that difficult.