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Renewable Energy Technology

What kinds of renewable technology are there? What are some of their benefits or downsides?
Kevin Gardner
If you are interested in learning more about renewable energy sources, you may have a lot of questions with answers you do not know how to find. This is especially true if you are completely new to the concept and want to make sure you have a good understanding of it.
Read on to learn about the most common types of renewable energy technology in existence today, in order to gain a better general understanding of them and their purposes as a whole.

Wind Power

Wind gets its energy from difference in temperature levels at the Earth's surface. These variations are caused by the power of sunlight.
When extensive numbers of windmills are placed near each other, energy derived from wind can accomplish tasks as electricity generation or water pumping, but the necessity of this type of setupĀ has its limitations at this point in time.

Solar Power

There are several different types of solar panels to meet various needs, but they all utilize nuclear fusion from the sun's core to work.
Solar panels are an increasingly popular alternative to traditional electricity that can make Earth greener and cleaner and allow homeowners and business owners to improve their carbon footprints on a daily basis, while still keeping their buildings powered efficiently.

Geothermal Power

ThisĀ is a somewhat limited source of energy that relies on radioactive decay from the planet to work. The Earth's heat storage can also create geothermal power and is sometimes used to heat and cool buildings as an alternative to traditional air conditioning or furnaces.
However, geothermal energy is too limited in its abilities to produce any electricity and is not sufficient to completely replace traditional methods of power.

Biomass Energy

Biomass power involves energy derived from plants. It is a common form of energy in the world. However, many forms, such as burning trees for warming and cooking purposes, are impacting environment in less ideal ways. However, they are considered renewable compared to natural gas, coal, oil.

Hydrogen Cells and Fuel Cells

While not entirely renewable, hydrogen and fuel cells are highly abundant on Earth and do not emit pollution when used as a power source. Hydrogen is typically used as vehicle fuel that relies on water as its combustion product, reducing pollution.
It can also be used to power electric motors in the form of fuel cells. These forms of energy lead to a shift in pollution from cities to power plants. However, increasing availability of solar panels may allow them to be used to make hydrogen, which would dramatically lower pollution levels and help humanity protect the planet.

Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric power, or hydropower, utilizes flowing water that creates a useful form of energy. This is then turned into what generates approximately 10 percent of energy in the United States. It usually comes from snow or rain that flows into rivers or streams in a downhill manner after forming from vapor.
To simplify the concept of renewable energy, realize that most types today either rely on sunlight or other natural resources. Whether they work through heat or direct sunlight, the sun is involved in the process of giving most energy forms the power they need to work efficiently.
Other forms of renewable energy involve gravity or radioactive decay, as seen in some of these examples. Knowing how these energies work and understanding their purpose is a way to improve your comprehension of their impact on us and lets you paint a picture of how they are changing life on a large scale.