The world's leading information retrieval service of the internet is the World Wide Web (WWW). It has made possible for all of us to stay connected with each other, at our fingertips!
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Berners-Lee has his own website. He has received numerous awards including "Young Innovator of the Year Award" in 1995.
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URL stands for “Uniform Resource Locator” and this is a method of identifying a web site and page for both visitors and search engines.
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HTML was invented by Tim Berners-Lee, a physicist at the CERN research institute in Switzerland. It is used to show text, images, and videos.
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HTTP is a standard application-level protocol used for exchanging files on the World Wide Web. It was originally proposed in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee.
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The Advanced Research Projects Agency of the United States Department of Defense, made the world's first packet switching network, that has now become a global internet.
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Intel introduced its first product, the 3101 static random access memory in April 1969. Robert Heath Dennard invented DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory), one of the core advancements in computer technology.
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The first ISP is widely believed to be Telenet, which was the first commercial version of ARPANET introduced in 1974.
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Private, Static, and Dynamic are 4 types of IP addresses. An IP address allows information to be sent and received by various parties, providing information about the user's physical location.
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TCP/IP was initially planned for the Unix working framework, and it has been built into all of the working frameworks that came after it.
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An IP address is a long binary number, made of ones and zeros. An IPv4 address is 32 binary digits (or bits) long. An IPv6 is 128 bits long, allowing many more IP addresses to be used.
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A special IP like is called the Loopback Address and will "loop back" any packets sent to this address back to the computer that sent them, like sending mail to yourself.
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The two versions of IP are: IP version 4 (IPv4) and IP version 6 (IPv6). IP addresses are made up of binary values and drive the routing of all data over the Internet.
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John Mayes conceived the first commercially viable Network Address Translation device in April 1994. The 3 types NAT are: Static NAT, Dynamic NAT, Port Address Translation (PAT).
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Originally coined by John McCarthy in 1955, AI is a machine with the ability to solve problems, which usually are performed by humans, using natural intelligence.
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The concept of a 7-layer model was provided by the work of Charles Bachman at Honeywell Information Systems.