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Internet Privacy

Uttara Manohar
There are a number of advertisers, stalkers, and hackers on the Internet waiting to violate people's privacy. Here's some information about Internet safety and how to safeguard your privacy against such fiends.
When it comes to privacy and accountability, people always demand the former for themselves and the latter for everyone else. - David Brin
Online privacy is a pressing matter due to the increasing number of peeping toms on the Internet. There are a number of advertisers, stalkers, and hackers waiting to violate our privacy and get unsolicited access to our information. Experts in this field say that security is a non-existent entity.


Firstly, the large community of hackers who exist over the Internet can hack into your accounts and get unsolicited access to your personal information. The advertisers lurking behind the virtual walls can track your recent activity to send you customized advertisement offers.
Many employers can also get access to your online activity while you are using your computers at the workplace. In case you are using a cyber cafe, the owner of the cafe can keep a tab of your activity as well.
Your ISP can get complete and detailed information about your online activities, however, this is generally not a threat due to the existing legal structure that prohibits them from violating the privacy of their users.


Websites can tag you with a simple technological element called a 'cookie'. Once a website tags you with a cookie, it gets saved with them and helps them to remember you the next time you visit their site.
Although, most of the websites using these cookies are harmless, the problem starts when websites allow advertisers to have access to them, which will then reveal your entire online activity and help the advertisers to target you according to your interests.

Generating Awareness

There exist several organizations that strongly believe in maintaining one's online privacy. Some of the prominent organizations are American Civil Liberties Union, Electronic Frontier foundation, and Electronic Privacy Information Center.

Preventive Measures

As long as you are on the world wide web, you cannot stop the transmission of information. However, one thing that you can certainly do, is to avoid browsing websites that are not reliable or trustworthy; especially if you want to safeguard your privacy in terms of financial and social matters.
Do not risk it by shopping on unreliable websites or signing up suspicious membership forms that require you to fill up your social security numbers, credit card details, and other important information. You can change your privacy settings in the 'Internet Options ' of your browser.
You can use anti-spyware programs to eliminate spyware items and tracking cookies that threaten your security. Hence, if you cannot stop sending out your information while you are browsing, you can certainly choose the websites that you can trust your information with.
In the age, where we boast about the benefits of technology and the way the world is getting closer and closer, there is no option but to bear the disadvantages of this technology.