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How to Use Technology to Gather Data

Lindsey Patterson
Analysts, business executives and IT professionals need data to formulate conclusions about how to tackle a project or grow a company. Mining for data can be time-consuming and frustrating; there are many dead ends on the internet. Fortunately, you can also find carefully-designed tools to simplify the process.

Understand Your Options

To get the most out of data you should identify the key characteristics of your data set. Create a hypothesis of the problem you’re trying to solve and zone in on the number of cases, variables and potential missing observations of the data.
Ideally you want to gain clear insights or revelatory information that can guide your business in the right direction.
Many individuals miss out on in-depth analysis because they fail to complete this first step. Data is useless without a goal, so everyone should take the time to plan their data exploration project.

Discover Visual Tools

There are cutting-edge visual tools available that present data in an attractive way. These tools surpass outdated statistical software that provides users with a report that contains limited information. Instead, tools like Trifacta are interactive so users can extract as much value as possible.
Trifacta allows a business professional and a team of employees to search and annotate data sets, make recommendations for visualizations and customize data mining through machine learning. Visual tools turn a mundane project into a goldmine of possibilities. They allow team members to learn from each other and brainstorm great ideas.

Obtain Data Immediately

Trifacta’s secret lies in data wrangling software that is intelligent enough to improve a users’ understanding of the information in front of them. It takes the raw data and presents it in a format that is easy to read.
Data wrangling minimizes the need for organizing large amount of diverse and unstructured data points. The time spent on culling and organizing data can suck the morale from employees and open the possibility of human error that contaminates final conclusions.
When individuals can draw accurate results that lead to better decisions with less hassle, then everyone wins. Tools with data wrangling capabilities are becoming a staple to streamline efficiency in offices across the country.

Expand To the Cloud

Of course, industry professionals must be able to access their data results repeatedly. Trifacta’s success is partly due to integration with the three major cloud providers – Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure and AWS.
The cloud is a vital technological advancement that allows users to store data on a network of remote servers through the internet. This means that users don’t have to rely on a single laptop or computer to access their date; instead, they can access it through any device at any time of the day.
Expansion to the cloud is beneficial because it simplifies communication between employees and clients. Working outside of traditional hours is a breeze as well as working remotely. Trifacta is appealing to a wide span of companies for this reason; it’s no surprise that it boasts PepsiCo, Visa and New York Life as clients, among countless other corporations.

Reach Your Goals

Perhaps the most exciting thing about visual data tools is the variety of possibilities they enable to blossom. Trifacta has earned its reputation as a leading data software because of the brilliant minds that the company recruited to bring their vision to life. They created a platform with versatile applications; the sky's the limit when it comes to data.
Professionals in the automotive, finance, retail, engineering and advertising industries can harness the information. Quality data can inform individuals how to track and manage customer satisfaction as well as enable precise risk management. It can also help analyze market demand and performance of products and services. Revenue growth is a natural outcome.
Individuals can plan and execute a stellar project with visual data tools. The right program can eliminate pitfalls and headaches while boosting accuracy.