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How to Extend Wireless Network Range

If you are experiencing a bad wireless signal strength, rather than new wireless router, you can try some possible ways to extend your wireless network's range.
Shah Newaz Alam
A bad signal strength is definitely hard to work with. If your operating system notifies so, then there is no hope to get a good reception in the interior rooms of your house or workplace. Changing the wireless router every time you encounter a low wireless signal strength is not feasible. So why not look for the various options to increase the signal power.

Causes of a Bad Signal

  • Your router antenna is not within the line of sight of the transmitter antenna.
  • There are lots of barriers (like trees or buildings) in between the transmitter and the router
  • There is more than one wireless router within the same area.
  • Your router has an omni-directional antenna and the signal is getting spread everywhere.
  • The positioned point of the router.

How to Extend Network Range

  • This is the most obvious step. Place your router in the line of sight of the antenna of your service provider.
  • Do not place any metallic objects near it.
  • Do not keep more than one router in the same room.
  • Place your router at a certain height from the ground level.
  • Do not place any other electronic equipment (e.g., Microwave) near it.

Some Other Ways

Get a unidirectional antenna for your router which has a higher power than the existing antenna. Direct the antenna towards your signal providers antenna. If you have more than one computer at your workplace or home, then it's always a good option that you invest on a repeater. This way the signal strength that reaches all the computers will not be divided.
Changing the network adapter is another option that you have. Another important thing to keep in mind is that, you need to upgrade the adapter's drivers regularly. When choosing an antenna, network adapter, and a wireless router, ensure that they are manufactured by the same vendor.
Though equipment manufactured by different vendors are compatible with each other, it has been noticed that a set of equipment from a single vendor gives a better performance when connected together.
If all these steps and procedures fail, then the solution is to upgrade your system. You can try out a new device altogether. Another possible solution that most users resolve to is, upgrading their technology from 802.11 b to 802.11 g or 802.11n or 802.11ac. Upgrading to the technology with dual or multiple bandwidths will increase the overall cost of it.