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How Technology Keeps You Safe on the Internet

Kevin Gardner
If you've spent any time online, you probably know the dangers of viruses, malware, and other unscrupulous programs meant to take advantage of you and gain your personal information. What you might not realize is that there are just as many types of technology actively working to keep you safe while you browse the internet.

Global Positioning Systems

GPS trackers on your phone and other mobile devices allow you to find directions so you don't get lost, track your children via their phones, or even track lost pets via the GPS systems in their microchips. GPS is also used by law enforcement to help find people who get lost in the woods or have accidents in other remote areas.

Data Encryption Systems

From free options like LastPass to protect your passwords at home, to large, corporate data encryption software used by hospitals and banks, data encryption software is used billions of times per day. Encryption software encodes your personal information so that it's harder for scammers to intercept it and read it as it passes within your computer.


Firewalls are probably one of the most commonly known forms of protection when you're surfing the web. As a network security device, a firewall monitors the traffic on the internet, filtering out public traffic that shouldn't be on private networks. It uses an organization's established security policy to determine which traffic is acceptable and not.

Fingerprint Technology

Fingerprints provide extra security since they aren't something hackers can easily replicate the way they can your passwords. Fingerprints are the best choice if you have the option for computers or mobile devices that hold sensitive information related to your banking or to your company's finances.

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication usually involves your laptop and your mobile device. For example, if you want to log into your Gmail account but are using a new device, it sends a temporary password to your phone that allows you to log in as normal. This way, hackers cannot access your information as easily since they don't have your smartphone to use as the key.

Access Alerts

Banks, social media websites, and many other internet destinations allow you to set up text or email alerts anytime someone signs into your account. This makes it easier for you to notice if an unauthorized person tries to access your personal information. When you get the alert, you can take necessary steps to ensure you and your information is safe.