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How does Blu-ray Work

Prashant Magar
The advent of Blu-ray technology has drastically enhanced the optical storage system. It has an astounding storage capacity of 25 GB to 50 GB with a highly superior picture quality.
As of today, there is no format in this world that can compete with a Blu-ray disc's (BD) capacity, video quality, or any other interactive video experience. This new technology offers a great deal of flexibility in its usage.
It has revolutionized the entire audio and video experience like never before. Its main feature is the substantially large amount of data that it can store on a format which is almost the same as a conventional DVD.

Blu-Ray Unveiled

The first and foremost query faced by many is, why is it named so? The usual CD DVD formats consist of a laser technology to 'burn' data on it. A Blu-ray, on the other hand, is burnt with a characteristic blue laser.
The data is grooved on an optical disc by means of a red laser, whose wavelength etches a 650 nm hole. However, in such discs, a blue colored laser is used which has a shorter wavelength, making 405 nm grooving. The numerical aperture or NA of a red laser disc is 0.6 whereas that for a blue laser is 0.85.
Thus, the laser spot can be more precisely made by a blue laser, reducing the beam spot size. This reflects in the superior quality of data storage.
The disc is made up of a tough polycarbonate layer and has a clear and strong surface coating, since the laser action is very close to the surface. This ensures that no scratches or marks affect the disc and the data remains of top quality.
The tracking pitch in these discs is significantly reduced to 0.32 micrometer, which is half of that of a DVD. The reduction in the disc tilt directly translates into less aberration, making the readout process much easier, and facilitates enormous recording density.
The concept works the same as you writing on a paper with a pencil. If you need to accommodate more words on a paper, you will write smaller. Also, a pointed pencil will enhance the writing in comparison to a blunt tip, making it more sharp and focused.
The upgrade requires no extra space and is achieved on a disc having the same size and shape as that of a CD or a DVD. A Blu-ray single-layer disc can hold 25 GB data with 12 hours of standard video and a double layer can hold 50 GB of data with roughly 20 hours of video.
It supports the BD-R/RE audiovisual format. Both HD (high-definition) and SD (standard definition) digital broadcasts can be played on this disc. The BD-ROM audiovisual format incorporates the latest advancements, giving a refined and detailed playback.
The BD-Java system has a flexible and programmable application which allows a multiple media interactivity and superior connection to the Internet. BD-Video and BD-Live exhibit superior audio and video streaming formats and are an advanced set of computer playback software, and work as a great value addition to the BD family.

The Beginning of Blu-ray Era

All BD systems are an offspring of a collaborative effort of some of the leading manufacturers of consumer electronic equipment namely: Hitachi, LG electronics, Pioneer, Philips, Sony, Samsung, Sharp, Thompson and Panasonic.
The joint project of developing this technology started in 2002. In fact, interested parties are always welcome to join the league if they are interested in developing the Blu-ray. It is slowly but surely gaining popularity among the users; for example, the Sony PlayStation 3 comes with an in-built Blu-ray drive.
It's time that the Blu-ray revolution sweeps the world and changes the way you listen to music, play your favorite games or enjoy a movie. All you have to do is, get a Blu-ray system, sit back and enjoy the magic of technology, as it unfolds.