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Fun Stuff To Do Online When You Are Bored

Dhanya Joy
And you thought the Internet was used only for business communications and study references. Well, the article here helps you look beyond this and introduces you to a different side of the Internet which is a world of awesomeness, fun, and excitement. Say bye bye to boredom and hello to fun times with these online activities.
Sometimes, even the most popular solutions to boredom, like reading a book or watching a movie, fail to work. But now, thanks to the internet and the web, you can find lots of fun stuff to do online, when you're bored. The options are unlimited and there is something for adults as well as kids.
The web is not just limited to games or social networking websites.There is much more to it, like blogging, taking online spelling tests and quizzes, reading books online, etc. Along with entertainment, these activities also provide scope for personal development and can increase a person's knowledge base.

Online Spelling Tests and Quizzes

These are a great way to kill time. They are not only fun, but also improve vocabulary and general knowledge. Online crosswords, brain teasers, and puzzles can also be solved and different tests like IQ tests, personality tests, and color tests can also be taken. There are a number of websites that offer these options for free.

Social Networking and Blogging

Social networking sites are very popular and there would hardly be anyone who is not familiar with this trend. Many of them like Orkut, Facebook, MySpace, etc. have emerged gloriously over the years. You can spend time searching for your friends and family and renew lost bonds with those you had lost touch with.
They can also be used to establish or expand your business network. Blogging is a popular means of expressing one's views and ideas, commenting on events and issues, and sharing videos and photos. Maintaining a personal blog can serve as a fun thing to do when bored, and will also keep friends and family updated on your activities.

Reading Books Online

This is a fun thing to do and you can choose from a wide variety of classics, fiction, non-fiction, and also books for children, that are available for free on the web. There are many websites that offer free books for online reading, and some of them also offer discussion forums regarding the books that you have read.
They also feature interviews and chats with the authors, of some of the ebooks available on their website. There are also a number of websites that offer free comics and joke books for light reading, when you're bored or when you are feeling low.

Adopting Virtual Pets

Owning or adopting virtual pets can be a great way to kill boredom. A valid email address is all you need to adopt a virtual pet and once you adopt one you need to look after and care for it, just as you would in the case of a real pet. There is a lot you can do for your virtual pets that is fun, interesting, and time-consuming. Both adults and children can indulge in this activity and it may even train you to own a real pet some day!

Online Shopping

Online shopping can be a fun thing to do, especially for women. There are innumerable online shopping websites, offering a wide variety of products along with special offers, discounted rates, and the convenience of shopping from home.
Other fun stuff, includes downloading music and videos, playing online games, listening to online music, making your own animations, etc. So the next time you are bored, try out some of the above mentioned activities.