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What is Cyber Monday?

Vipul Lovekar
Cyber Monday deals are the offers given to consumers by online retailers, to drive up the sales on a Monday falling after the Thanksgiving day in the US. Nowadays, it is practiced in many countries by online retailers.
Online marketing becomes a very interesting field because every now and then, the marketers come up with new and different marketing concepts. And one such concept is cyber Monday deals. Let us see it in details.


This concept surfaced in the year 2005. Cyber Monday is the first Monday after the thanksgiving and black Friday. It was the belief (some people called it a gimmick), that the users will shop on Monday significantly more than any other days, which had probably triggered this idea.
Black Friday which is also known as buy nothing day, has been so called because, it is the day after which the online retailers start to turn the profit. On Monday, retailers try to lure the consumer into making a purchase. Statistics show that online sales do go up significantly on cyber Monday.

Buy Nothing Day

Buy nothing day is an exact opposite of cyber Monday. If cyber Monday is the day on which record high sales are observed, then buy nothing day is the day on which record low sales are seen. Interestingly, both these days are separated by only two days i.e., Saturday and Sunday.
Buy nothing day was basically meant to protest against international consumerism by the artist Ted Dave and was promoted by the magazine Adbusters. It was started in September 1992. Major news networks banned the Adbusters magazine for this.
As consumers are not buying anything on that Friday, it is also known as black Friday. Soon this concept gained popularity. The logic was that, after a weekend of not buying anything, the consumers would buy as much as they can on the Internet, once they got to their offices. Hence, all the online retailers would try to give huge discounts to lure customers.

A Few Tips to Remember

Watch out for the Deals

You need to keep a continuous watch on what is being offered, and where is it being offered. Track those deals continuously, so that you have the analysis ready when you are making the purchase.

Look out for Free Shipping

As this is a holiday shopping season, you have every right to look for something extra. Many websites are willing to offer you free shipping, and you have to make the most of this offer.

Coupon Codes

There are many websites on the Internet, which offer coupon codes which are meant to drive up the sales. But this is not so bad, as you might actually find something which would get a better deal like free shipping or free merchandise. For this, you need to look out for advertisements carefully.

Shop on Secure Sites Only

Any malicious software programmer will try to target an unsuspecting consumer, because holiday shopping season is that time of the year, when a consumer is most likely to give away his credit card information. Visit only those websites which are considered highly secure and only then think of shopping.

Fake Bargains

Let's say that you do visit a website which you think is secure. An online con artist would most likely present you with that artifact, which is not easily found. Consumer is typically very disparate at such times, and wants to buy something great. Try to avoid such bargains because, you may end up compromising valuable information about your credit card.